
Artroscopia y reconstrucción articular
martes, 30 de septiembre de 2014
lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2014
Disposable vs reusable gowns: A battle for infection control and sustainability
Orthopedics Today, September 2014
Disposable vs reusable gowns: A battle for infection control and sustainability
Orthopedics Today, September 2014
Sleiman Haddad, MD
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Disposable vs reusable gowns: A battle for infection control and sustainability
Surgical site infection is one of the major burdens of any surgery; especially in orthopedic surgery, where a prosthetic infection can lead to disastrous consequences. Surgical site infection is the leading nosocomial infection, accounting for approximately 22% of all nosocomial infections. Read more |
Early Outcomes of Proximal Humerus Fracture Fixation With Locking Plate and Intramedullary Fibular Strut Graft
Early Outcomes of Proximal Humerus Fracture Fixation With Locking Plate and Intramedullary Fibular Strut Graft
Edwin Tan, MD; Denny Lie, MD; M. K. Wong, MD
- Orthopedics
- September 2014 - Volume 37 · Issue 9: e822-e827
- DOI: 10.3928/01477447-20140825-60
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Orthopedics — September 2014
Early Outcomes of Proximal Humerus Fracture Fixation With Locking Plate and Intramedullary Fibular Strut Graft— by Denny Lie, MD; et al Proximal humerus fractures are commonly encountered in elderly patients. Surgical treatment demonstrates high complication rates, including varus construct collapse and screw cutout. In this study, the authors evaluate the clinical outcome of locking plate fixation with intramedullary fibular strut graft augmentation as a primary surgical treatment in the prevention of early collapse and screw cutout. Read more |
Study: Postoperative imaging after fracture fixation may be unnecessary
Study: Postoperative imaging after fracture fixation may be unnecessary
September 20, 2014
Study: Postoperative imaging after fracture fixation may be unnecessary
CHICAGO — According to data presented here at the International Federation of Foot & Ankle Societies Triennial Meeting, postoperative radiographs offer no significant benefit over intraoperative imaging for patients after ankle fractures. Read more |
Achilles tendinopathy can be improved with gastrocnemius recession
Achilles tendinopathy can be improved with gastrocnemius recession
September 22, 2014
Achilles tendinopathy can be improved with gastrocnemius recession
CHICAGO — Gastrocnemius recession can be helpful in some cases for the treatment of patients with chronic Achilles tendinopathy, according to a presenter here. Read more |
Inflammatory factors in the circulation of patients with active rheumatoid arthritis stimulate osteoclastogenesis via endogenous cytokine production by osteoblasts
Las mismas proteínas pro-inflamatorias que están presentes en la obesidad (IL-1, IL-2, IL-6, TNFalfa) son las mismas presentes en Artritis Reumatoide activa, conllevan a desmineralización y fracturas, por lo que el ejercicio físico provee un camino primordial en su regulación
Las mismas proteínas pro-inflamatorias que están presentes en la obesidad (IL-1, IL-2, IL-6, TNFalfa) son las mismas presentes en Artritis Reumatoide activa, conllevan a desmineralización y fracturas, por lo que el ejercicio físico provee un camino primordial en su regulación
sábado, 27 de septiembre de 2014
La reconstrucción del LCA mediante artroscopia y autoinjerto es eficaz en pacientes de 50 años
Isolated anterior cruciate ligament reconstructio... [Int Orthop. 2013]
Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) deficiency contributes to symptomatic functional instability of the knee, regardless of age. We evaluated patient-reported clinical outcome, instrumental stability and prevalence of radiological osteoarthritis based on two homogenous patient samples aged 50 years, an average of three years after isolated ACL reconstruction.
La reconstrucción del LCA mediante artroscopia y autoinjerto es eficaz en pacientes de 50 años #traumatologia
— ClinicaCEMTRO (@ClinicaCEMTRO) febrero 5, 2013
Efectividad y seguridad de crioterapia tras reconstrucción de LCA por artroscopia
Efectividad y seguridad de crioterapia tras reconstrucción de LCA por artroscopia.
— Daniel (@DeshiFisio) junio 6, 2014
Fractura meseta tibial: osteosíntesis e injerto óseo. Reconstrucción asistida por artroscopia
Fractura meseta tibial: osteosíntesis e injerto óseo. Reconstrucción asistida por artroscopia
Dr. Delgado y equipo.
— DELGADOTRAUMA (@delgadotrauma) junio 10, 2014
jueves, 25 de septiembre de 2014
Control del dolor en ortopedia
Control del dolor en ortopedia
— ricardo carrillo (@kcht52) diciembre 9, 2012
Study: Sagittal plane deformity may be linked to foot ulceration in Charcot patients
Study: Sagittal plane deformity may be linked to foot ulceration in Charcot patients
September 21, 2014
Study: Sagittal plane deformity may be linked to foot ulceration in Charcot patients
CHICAGO — Deformities of the sagittal plane of the foot are more likely to be associated with foot ulceration in patients with diabetes who have Charcot neuroarthropathy, according to a presenter here.Read more |
El dolor de la rodilla anterior al correr sobre el electromiograma
El Blog de la Condroprotección ha publicado un nuevo post: 'El dolor de la
rodilla anterior al correr sobre el electromiograma'
Un reciente estudio publicado en la revista Osteoarthritis and Cartilage analiza
mediante electromiografía cómo el dolor de la rodilla anterior al correr
afecta de forma aguda a la extremidad inferior.
Para ello se utilizó un diseño intrasujetos. Doce sujetos sanos corrieron en
la cinta durante 30 minutos en tres sesiones diferentes: una de control, una de
Puede que te interese seguir leyendo el post en:
El Blog de la Condroprotección ha publicado un nuevo post: 'El dolor de la
rodilla anterior al correr sobre el electromiograma'
Un reciente estudio publicado en la revista Osteoarthritis and Cartilage analiza
mediante electromiografía cómo el dolor de la rodilla anterior al correr
afecta de forma aguda a la extremidad inferior.
Para ello se utilizó un diseño intrasujetos. Doce sujetos sanos corrieron en
la cinta durante 30 minutos en tres sesiones diferentes: una de control, una de
Puede que te interese seguir leyendo el post en:
lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2014
Study: Sagittal plane deformity may be linked to foot ulceration in Charcot patients
Sagittal plane deformity may be linked to foot ulceration in Charcot patients
Study: Sagittal plane deformity may be linked to foot ulceration in Charcot patients
September 21, 2014
Sagittal plane deformity may be linked to foot ulceration in Charcot patients
CHICAGO — Deformities of the sagittal plane of the foot are more likely to be associated with foot ulceration in patients with diabetes who have Charcot neuropathy, according to data presented at the International Federation of Foot & Ankle Societies Triennial Meeting. Read more
domingo, 21 de septiembre de 2014
Arthroscopic Deepening Trochleoplasty
Publicado el 18/9/2014
A discussion of a new keyhole surgical procedure for patients who suffer from kneecap instability due to the condition called 'trochlear dysplasia'. Includes a discussion with Dr Lars Blønd (Copenhagen, Denmark) and a demonstration of a real surgical procedure.
Licencia de YouTube estándar
A discussion of a new keyhole surgical procedure for patients who suffer from kneecap instability due to the condition called 'trochlear dysplasia'. Includes a discussion with Dr Lars Blønd (Copenhagen, Denmark) and a demonstration of a real surgical procedure.
Licencia de YouTube estándar
miércoles, 17 de septiembre de 2014
9 Ways to Tame Your Chronic Pain (Infographic)
9 Ways to Tame Your Chronic Pain (Infographic) vía @ClevelandClinic
— Victor Ravens (@bibliomanazteca) septiembre 17, 2014
martes, 16 de septiembre de 2014
Trends in Bone Graft Use in the United States
Trends in Bone Graft Use in the United States
Ahmet Kinaci, BSc; Valentin Neuhaus, MD; David C. Ring, MD, PhD
- Orthopedics
- September 2014 - Volume 37 · Issue 9: e783-e788
- DOI: 10.3928/01477447-20140825-54
Are Collagen Meniscus Implants a Reality?
Are Collagen Meniscus Implants a Reality?
Gustavo Vinagre, MD
- Orthopedics
- September 2014 - Volume 37 · Issue 9: 581-582
- DOI: 10.3928/01477447-20140825-02
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Are Collagen Meniscus Implants a Reality? Read more
jueves, 4 de septiembre de 2014
martes, 2 de septiembre de 2014
Obturator Internus Anatomy
Courtesy : Prof Nabile Ebraheim, University of Toledo, Ohio, USA
Publicado el 26/8/2014
Educational video describing the anatomy of the obturator internus muscle.
Management of developmental dysplasia of the hip in young adults
Management of developmental dysplasia of the hip in young adults
Current concepts
lunes, 1 de septiembre de 2014
Treatment of Segmental Tibial Fractures With Supercutaneous Plating
Treatment of Segmental Tibial Fractures With Supercutaneous Plating
Xianfeng He, MD; Jingwei Zhang, MD; Ming Li, MD; Yihui Yu, MD; Limei Zhu, MD
- Orthopedics
- August 2014 - Volume 37 · Issue 8: e712-e716
- DOI: 10.3928/01477447-20140728-57
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Orthopedics — August 2014
Treatment of Segmental Tibial Fractures With Supercutaneous Plating — by Xianfeng He, MD; et al Segmental tibial fractures usually follow a high-energy trauma and are often associated with many complications. The purpose of this report is to describe the authors’ results in the treatment of segmental tibial fractures with supercutaneous locking plates used as external fixators. Read more |
TKA provides excellent outcomes after lower-extremity amputation
TKA provides excellent outcomes after lower extremity amputation
TKA provides excellent outcomes after lower-extremity amputation
August 27, 2014
TKA provides excellent outcomes after lower extremity amputation
Although total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is rare after lower extremity amputation, it can provide excellent functional and clinical outcomes, according to study results. Read more
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